Passion is a vital underpinning of any good artist. Brazilian born S. Guccione went to college and graduated with degrees in journalism and art in Sao Paulo.“At the age of 25 I moved to Rome, where I had the opportunity to meet the most wonderful artists and attend many workshops and classes where I learned to work with different styles and mediums. I learned a lot from my mentor Giorgio Michetti who passed away in 2019 at the age 105. I truly enjoy working with oils, and my favorite style is impressionism. Equestrian is the theme that really brings back wonderful memories of my childhood in Brazil where I rode as well and raised horses.”Her mentor was born in Viareggio, Italy, in 1912. At 17 he had his first exhibit. His works add up more than 2000 paintings which have been exhibited in Italy, Switzerland & Austria. The Italian artist who lived through two wars, one of them as a soldier, also suffered the loss of two wives. He met Pablo Picasso in Nice and has opened his art to other techniques such as painted pants and a car. A man who at his long age has understood that the most important thing is to share knowledge and passion.