His new works at the Westport River Gallery in Westport, CT are the "Dawn and Dusk" sculptures seen below. Dawn and Dusk are taken for granted....one we awake and start the day, the other we consolidate the day's activities until they are but memories. Sculptor J. Gabbert has created cast bronze works of art that capture both the start and end of the day. Both sculptures have a marble base and are from an edition of only 12, signed by the artist. Dawn is, 20"x7"x10" and Dusk is, 20"x7"x8". "My mother said I was always building something out of Tinker Toys or cardboard and scotch tape. Throughout school art classes were easy “A's" for me. However, it was not until college that I realized I had a gift. Early in my junior year one of my professors was frustrated by my lack of progress during a series of life – model drawing sessions. He handed me a chunk of sculpting wax and said “here, try this." In an amazingly short time I had rendered the female model in near perfect proportion. It was as easy for me as drawing was hard." James Gabbert found his niche within sculpting.
Click to see more of Gabbert's work.