Yetvart Kaprielian has been listed in the E. Benezit, the prestigious world-recognized "Who's Who" of painters and sculptors since 1999. Born in 1959, Yetvart Kaprielian has been painting since 22. He travels throughout the Ile-de-France, Normandy, Brittany, Provence, and the riverbanks of Seine. Kaprielian expresses through touches of luminous and sparkling colors a harmony of reflections. Many of his works are available through the Westport River Gallery, in Connecticut. The waterside communities in Kaprielian's paintings are a balance of serenity and bustling activity. He so well captures quaint village life in a sophisticated and detailed way. His work continues to gain attentionas Kaprielian continues to paint with the quality of his impressionist predecessors. Among his most recent collectors is the Royal Family of Morocco.