New from American reverse glass artist Sue Bond is the Statue of Liberty overlooking the new World Trade Center buildings. "Although only 1-WTC is completed, I painted the others as they'll look based on the designs." The glass is 11x14, and framed. Bond is also a published children's book illustrator. Americana-style country scenes, seascapes, iconic New York scenes and the Eiffel Tower are included in the subject matter by reverse glass artist Sue Bond. She learned the technique of painting on glass from her late father, Milton Bond, who was one of the foremost reverse glass artists in the U.S. Milton worked in a mirror world in the fine detail of acrylic, ink, and metallic foil, giving a three dimensional luminosity to the exposed glass side when exhibited. The medium was first introduced to him over 30 years ago by his beloved sister Mildred, a lover of the arts. Milton produced over 1,500 paintings. Click for other works.